Next Session Begins November 4th thru January 29th | Mondays & Wednesdays 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Contact Michelle Urbanski, Health and Wellness Director for more information. 

(413) 568.8631


LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is a free 12-week exercise program for cancer survivors who are currently in or have completed treatment and are physically deconditioned. Developed by Stanford University, this specially designed program has proven to help survivors regain strength, overcome fatigue, and enhance functional ability to do everyday tasks. Our Y is committed to serving individuals and their families living with, through and beyond cancer.


  • Strong personal desire and commitment to participate for the full 12 weeks
  • Medical release for participation from doctor
  • Complete Y’s Intake form, surveys and functional assessments
  • Give permission for LIVESTRONG at the YMCA staff to contact your physician or health care provider as needed


  • Increase flexibility and endurance
  • Enhance functional ability to do everyday tasks
  • Improve energy levels, build muscle mass and strength
  • Develop an on-going physical fitness program, not only as part of recovery, but as a way of life

Program Cost

  • Free 12-week exercise program

Contact Info

Michelle Urbanski, Health & Wellness Director
(413) 568.8631